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Unity of Faith is proud to offer many different opportunities for you to connect with other believers; serve and grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and in your relationship with Him. These ministries are all designed to help lead your family in worship, explore the Word of God in study, and reach out to the community with the Gospel.


We have something for everyone, and we are always looking for ways to get more people involved and connected. Come join us in ministry and experience the joy of serving God.

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Administration Ministry



Whether you’re a member or considering membership, Membership Services exists to help individuals and families fully connect to the life of Unity of Faith.


If you are interested in learning more about Unity of Faith and becoming a member, Membership Class 101 is just for you.


In this class you will discover the beliefs, strategy, structure, and vision that serves as the foundation of Unity of Faith Bible Church. At the end of the class, you will be given the opportunity to join the Unity of Faith family. You were designed to be part of a church family and we hope Unity of Faith is a perfect fit for you and your family. To sign up for the next 101 Class, contact

We strongly believe you can’t be all that God wants you to be without making some basic commitments to grow in your walk with the Lord.

Spiritual Maturity 201 is designed to teach you simple habits and show you the different steps you can make to mature and grow as a Christian.

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What you do with your life matters to God. Sometimes it might feel like your actions are inconsequential, but you were created for a purpose.


God has shaped you in a unique way and My Ministry 301 class will provide an opportunity for you to hear about the wide variety of serving teams at Unity of Faith. This class will also help you pinpoint the best place for you to minister at Unity of Faith.

It’s easy to feel helpless when all you are hearing about is the tragedies happening in our neighborhoods and around the world. But have you ever stopped to realize that you have something to offer a hurting world? Because God has designed you to live life on mission, everyday could be an opportunity to make the world a better place. You have a role to play!

Life on Mission 401 is designed to explain why sharing your faith with other is so important and to equip you to start making an impact on a personal, local, and global scale.

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Prayer Ministries

Prayer Ministries

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Faithful Prayer Invites God’s Powerful Response

“If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”

Our Prayer Ministry Team prays regularly for the needs of the congregation. Prayer cards are found at the Welcome Table. These prayer cards can be placed in the weekly church offering or emailed to Requests should be submitted by the individual or a family member.


The purpose of the Abraham Prayer Ministry is to pray for all men, in all situations and circumstances in order that God will intervene and be glorified throughout the world.


The ministry encourages the saints to gather for corporate prayer through a weekly prayer meeting in which the saints pray for their hearts, homes, church leaders, universal church, and world leaders.

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The Abraham Prayer Ministry also seeks to equip the saints to pray well by instructing them in kingdom focused prayers while praying the scriptures. This is done through “The Prayer Gathering” a prayer training seminar held at various times throughout the year for instruction in prayer. Please see the Church Calendar to remain informed about upcoming events.

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Biblical Studies
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Unity of Faith partners with Gathering of the Saints International (GOTSI) School of Biblical Studies to provide a quality biblical education to individuals seeking to grow in the knowledge of God and to cultivate individuals in all areas of ministry with an emphasis on Pastoral Training, Discipleship, and Evangelism. 

GOTSI offers degree programs from Associates to Doctorates (Th.D). Students can expect to receive an affordable tuition with the GOTSI guarantee of paying half of the student’s total tuition.
Click here for more info ...


Our local Outreach ministry, Carriers of Hope, is committed to being the hands and feet of Jesus. We share the love of God by serving our neighbors and our communities. This is done to build relationships and to share the Good News of the gospel.


Through building bridges in our local community, Unity of Faith Bible Church strategically leads and partners with ministries that care for the most vulnerable in our community. 



Through Carriers of Hope, we show the love and compassion of Jesus to a broken and hurting community. We believe that the key to transforming lives for Jesus is through the context of the relationships we build in our communities. A key strategy in fulfilling our purpose is partnering with like-minded organizations to address community needs in the focus areas of poverty and education.

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Outreach Ministries

Our Local Partners

Community Concerns, Inc. was designed to provide meals, transitional housing, supportive services, and case management, to assist clients in the transition from homelessness to self-sufficiency.


Odyssey III, a ministry of Community Concerns, takes a holistic client-centered approach to service delivery and goal planning with the client. Odyssey III provides an excellent option for those consumers seeking more permanent housing and stability in their lives.

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Restoration House and My Sister’s House is an overnight shelter for women and children experiencing homelessness.

We provide a safe and healthy environment in which women and children can recover and grow from past experiences that may have contributed towards their present circumstances and work towards healthy relationships with God, themselves, and others, as well as sustainable income and housing.

Our team works together with each woman and child to help them address their spiritual, physical, emotional, relational, and vocational needs in a way that is sensitive to the unique needs of each woman and child.

Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child

Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ. The organization serves the Church worldwide to promote the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Through Operation Christmas Child, Samaritan’s Purse is able to share the love of Christ with children around the world.

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Evangelism Ministries

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At Unity of Faith, the chief aim of our evangelism ministry is to proclaim the gospel (Jesus died for our sin and was raised to life), so that souls will be converted to Christ.

This is done by the entire congregation of believers as we follow the leading of the Spirit in our sphere of influence. This is also done through the ministry of Sisters in the Know: Sisters In the Know is an evangelism ministry that seeks to expand the kingdom of God by sharing a clear Gospel message to unsaved women.

Sisters in the Know hosts evangelistic events twice a year, the Spring Luncheon, and the Christmas Gala. We would encourage you to connect with the Church Calendar for details of these and other activities that Sisters in the Know Ministry sponsors.


Global Missions

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Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (Matthew 28:19-20)


God’s Mission is to make disciples of all nations. Unity of Faith works with international missionaries to accomplish this mission. Unity of Faith support Missionaries on foreign and domestic soil, as they share God’s love by doing good deeds and proclaiming the Good News of the Gospel.

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